Listen now | This is the second episode, talking about criticism and how role playing can help to handle it more easily, reducing stress and getting closer to our authentic-selves. Don’t hesitate to let me know about your comments and feedback, I’d really appreciate, and will not miss getting back to you.
Very useful!
I’ll think about it next time I go on stage😊
We take ourselves so damn serious sometimes as a performer. ..
Have a good day!
I'm happy it helps 😊 Wish you a lovely one as well! 🌞🍀
Soon coming back to Crete!!!! Can’t wait to be there!
I am having a birthday party on 30/3 , if you happen to be around, you are most welcome!
Cecile and Michel will also come, so you know 😉
Ah I'd love to be, but I'll just miss it by 3 days! I'll be in Luxemburg from 19 till 2nd of April. 😅
Ok, there will be more parties 😊